It was an amazing Indonesian movie. I laughed, I cried... It is such a great experience to see a foreign movie. You really get a sense of the culture as they see it rather than as we perceive it to be. This movie was in Bahasa Indonesian with English subtitles and at Sprockets they have a reader. It is a really interesting way to see a movie, it's almost like having a book read to you.
On Sunday we saw "From Time to Time" it was fantastic. A British movie set in the first world war. The British do such a good job letting you get to know the essence of a character and the relationships that they have and all that goes with it, while simultaneously telling an amazing tale. This movie was scary, exciting, beautiful and sad all at the same time. It was based on the book The Chimneys of Green Knowe by Lucy M. Boston.
On Saturday my younger daughter was at a birthday party and YOGAMUM was there! She is an "approved vendor" on our site, so you can't see her on the site, but we know she's there! The girls made a whole bunch of cool stuff and had a blast!
It was funny because the when I went to pick up my daughter, I commented on how great the house smelled. The hostess introduced me to Graydon, YOGAMUM. In the hub bub that the end of a birthday party can be, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself!
Hi Graydon!
The lip glosses, candle and sprtizer are amazing! It was a loot bag for the whole family, and so much better than a bunch of junk from the dollar store. I would highly recommend a birthday party by YOGA MUM for girls 9 years +!
I'm off to High Park to see if the Cherry Blossoms are still in bloom. I'm hoping to get some good shots of them.
I sent a Kreativ Blogger award to you on my blogspot!