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Friday, March 5, 2010

Tree tapping tutorial

The lovely ladies from Not far from the Tree came by last night to set us up as tree tappers!I don't know how the pioneers did it, we had a a cordless drill, should have had a hammer but the butt of a cordless drill works just fine too! We had two plastic taps, the only thing old time about this operation was the string!

We've got 2 taps, we've named them, William and Billy Bob Bo-Jack. The girls named them, not me!
I can see Billy Bob Bo-Jack from where I'm sitting and he's about 1/3 full already! We are to empty them 3 times a day, at noon, 5pm, and 10pm. All we have to do is empty the pop bottles into jugs and stick them in the freezer. We have a log to keep, but other than that it seems pretty straight forward. I think I'm gonna need some more used plastic pop bottles and orange juice jugs though.

I'm feelin' very granola, living off the land like this!
Have a great day!

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