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Monday, December 31, 2012

Heading into 2013

Susan and I wish you all the best in 2013! I'm sure some of you have new years resolutions, as do I. I always resolve to get into better shape, eat healthier and of course shop as local as possible!
This year is a bit different for me, I turn 50 in August and I feel like I have a, not so long list, of things I should have done, that if I don't get done now, who knows if it'll ever happen! I'm not thinking about getting to Australia or anything like that, it's little things. I always thought I would be a knitter, I'm not! I finally learned how to knit a few years ago, but I certainly haven't mastered the craft. I always thought I would be a card player too. I know euchre, hearts, and cheat, does that make me a card player? I never learned to surf either! Hmmm... Who knows what 2013 holds for each us. I do know that the now time to take your life by the tail and swing it!
Happy 2013, be safe!

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